Vullnetar me weltwärts INCOMING
Per te rinjte dhe te rejat nga Shqiperia:
Ju keni mundesine te jeni vullnetar ne Gjermani!
Bashkepunetoret tane pedagogjik do t’ju perkrahin gjate kesaj eksperience. Te qenurit vullnetar do t’ju jape mundesine qe te fitoni eksperience dhe te gjeni motivim dhe sigurisht do te ndikoje pozitivisht ne angazhimet tuaja te ardhshme.
Ju do te fitoni dhe te ndani eksperiencen tuaj me te aferm dhe miq. E pasi te ktheheni ne Shqiperi do mund te tregoni per pervojen tuaj globale dhe mund te jepni kontributin tuaj ne zhvillimin e vendit.
Me shume se udhetim!
Mbi mundesite e vullnetarizmit weltwärts Süd Nord mund te maresh informacion te detajuar ne rubrikat ne vijim:
Young people from the Global South volunteer in a non-profit organization in Germany. The young volunteers help German organisations to take a new look at their own work, they provide support in tasks for which there would otherwise be no time, and many are committed to a fairer society in the long term. The programme aims to promote exchanges between countries of the Global South and North, to promote the personal development of the volunteers and to strengthen civil society, which benefits from the commitment of returning volunteers.
The service starts flexible at any time of the year and lasts for 12 months. During this time, volunteers have 26 days of holidays and 25 seminar days.
During the voluntary service, several expenses are paid by sfd via the weltwärts programme South-North, such as:
• the cost of a return flight between the home country and Germany, including travel insurance;
• health insurance, liability insurance and accident insurance in Germany;
• the cost of visa and residence permit;
• the cost of accommodation (usually in shared apartments) in Kassel or Göttingen;
• the cost of a monthly ticket for the public transportation;
• food and pocket money of 375.00 Euro / month.
Volunteers only have to pay the costs for the internet, the own SIM card for the mobile phone and the radio and TV fee (monthly between 6-9€) during their stay.
German knowledge:
Basic knowledge of the German language is an advantage for a voluntary service. If volunteers have already learned German it is wonderful, because even if there are other ways to communicate, life in Germany will seem much nicer if one speaks the language. It would therefore be helpful if volunteers could already take a German course in their home country.
Of course, we will also support all volunteers after arrival to further improve their German language skills in the activities we organize, such as German language cafes or language gatherings.
Certified German language courses can’t be paid by the sfd.
Te gjitha vendet si vullnetar lidhen me nje profil angazhues per zhvillim social
ose edukativ. Ju do te angazhoheni ne zhvillimin e planeve te edukimit, do
punoni me femije, te rinje dhe te reja, ose do jepni kontributin tuaj per
personat e disavantazhuara ne aspektin social.
Eshte shume e rendesishme qe ju te shprehni interes ndaj eksperiencave
interkulturore dhe te tregoni gatishmeri ndaj vullnetareve tane profesionalisht
dhe personalisht gjate kesaj eksperience si vulletar. Zona gjeografike ku ne
bashkepunojme eshte ne Kassel, Melsungen dhe Göttingen.
Application for a Volunteer Service in the Framework of the weltwärts South North Programme
If you would like to conduct a volunteer service in Germany, please send us the following documents by email:
- Application form (download here)
- Curriculum Vitae
- Motivation letter (max. 1 page)
- A photo
Contact: [email protected]

The Social Service for Peace Kassel (sfd) is a partner for voluntary services for sustainable development. Our mission is to promote peace. Our members and employees share the idea of a society in which people take responsibility for themselves and their environment. We are committed to a tolerant society, social equality and a better understanding between people and cultures.
Sfd is responsible for national and international volunteer services and is the initiator for educational, social and environmental projects in Kassel, Germany, and its surroundings, projects that are carried out in our own educational center.
Weltwärts is a developmental volunteer service for young people between 18 and 30 years. The idea behind weltwärts volunteering is “learning by serving”. It is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). With weltwärts, young people from Albania can go to Germany for a volunteer service as well as German youth can come to Albania for volunteering.
Through volunteers who return to their countries of origin (in this case to Albania) and who are dedicated to development work, the program contributes to supporting projects worldwide and to strengthening civil society in emerging countries. Returning volunteers have a personal contribution to a more equitable world through their volunteering abroad.
General framework
The service starts flexibly at any time of the year and lasts 12 months. If volunteers and organizations where volunteering takes place wish, the duration can be reduced to 6 months or extended to 18 months. During one year, volunteers have 26 days off and attend 25 days of seminar.
All maintenance and travel expenses are paid by sfd through the weltwärts programme. In addition, volunteers receive 375 euros pocket money each month.
The selection of volunteers who will take part in the weltwärts programme in Germany will be selected by Vizion O.J.F. and Sfd.
It would be of great importance that the volunteers have been engaged in past or current projects in Vizion O.J.F. organisation or in another NGOs as well.
The volunteering program is a cooperation between Sfd and Vizion O.J.F.
It would be preferable if the potential volunteers speak a little German or are interested in learning the language.
But it is necessary to speak another language through which communication takes place, in this case English language.
Vizion O.J.F. will organize a preparation seminar for volunteers before starting the volunteering experience and a follow-up seminar as well for the returning volunteers to involve you in the project of Vizion O.J.F in the next six after returning from Germany. So the volunteers will have the opportunity to apply what they have learned as volunteers in Germany.